Foodtech BINUS Research : Propolis Edible Coating Improves Antibacterial Feature of Banana Leaf-Based Traditional Packaging
Foodtech BINUS Research : Wajik, Indonesia Traditional Food
Food Technology BINUS Research : Kinds of Fermented Food around the Southern Asia
Dr. Dwiyantari Widyaningrum dan Diana Lo, S.TP, M.Sc, Ph.D. Berbagi Wawasan tentang Sustainability Movement di Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
Kunjungan dari HIPMI (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia) BPP Womanpreneur untuk pengembangan workshop kepada UMKM
Program 4+1 : S2 Leeds University dalam 1 Tahun bagi para Lulusan Food Technology BINUS
Study Abroad Program : Ashira Renaldi Goes to UC Leuven-Limburg, Belgium
International Week 2025 : Studying Food Science and Nutrition at Leeds University
INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITY WITH KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY, THAILAND: Student Internship, Lecturer Exchange and Outbound Opportunity