On Monday, July 24th, 2017, Binus International Office (BIO) and Binus Collaboration Center (BCC) invited several department (Food Technology, Architecture, Business Law International Relationship) to discuss with Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom). FNF is a foundation for liberal politics in Germany, promoting improvement of democracy, human rights, and economy.

 It is an honor for the department of Food Technology (represented by Dave Mangindaan, PhD) to discuss with FNF, for their initiatives for collaboration on industry visit, joint research, focus group discussion, guest lecture (Feb 2018, Green Building – Architecture Department), and Professional examiner (July 2018), especially on the particular initiative to organize a seminar on climate change, that would be held on September 24-25th, 2017 at Binus University. This upcoming seminar would be very exciting as the climate change is a global challenge to be tackled by multi-disciplinary approach.

From the Food Technology aspect, maybe the issue of climate change is not a sensitive problem viewed from the perspective of food microbiology, cuisine, etc., as they are barely touch the application of fossil fuels. However, from the industrial food processing point-of-view, climate change is a huge issue since industrial processing are utilizing fuels to heat boilers, to generate electricity for ovens, dryers, fryers, and so on. To overcome this problem, some alternatives have been taken, where one of them is the use of renewable energies. On the other hand, the  renewable energy is not perfectly developed yet, as high water content may hinder the effectivity of energy generation. Hence dehydration of renewable fuel is imperative, with some alternatives are adsorption, or membrane separations.

We are looking forward for this constructive collaboration.

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