Hello everyone…

In this 2019 competition Info, we will share again the National Scientific Writing Competition in 2019, which is hosted by the FMIPA UNY (Yogyakarta State University) with the program name is MIPA Road To Scientific Paper and Seminar (MARSS) # 6 with the theme “Peran Mahasiswa Sebagai Agent of Change dalam Mewujudkan Indonesia Berdaya Saing Global”. The competition aims to enable students to pour creativity in the form of ideas and opinions on related the theme through scientific papers. This event is a medium to increase students’ knowledge in science related to these issues:

  1. Environment and Health
  2. Education
  3. Food security
  4. Applied Technology
  5. Economics and Entrepreneurship
  6. Tourism and Socio-Culture
  7. Integrated Agriculture
  8. Renewable energy

Source: https://www.informasilomba.com/2019/01/lomba-karya-tulis-ilmiah-nasional-2019.html